Mold Quality Control Application

In today's industries, there is a search for various automation solutions to make manufacturing processes more efficient and error-free. Tire production for automobiles is an important sector in this context. This article examines the mold quality control application used in car tire manufacturing.

The Mold Quality Control Application is designed as a web application that automatically checks the drawings of tire molds. This application performs quality control on mold drawings using a table of information that should be present on the tire and template drawings for the model of the tire to be checked.

Figure 1. HomePage Example

1. Processing Tire Mold Drawing

  • The mold drawings are utilized from files with DXF or DWG extensions to extract coordinate points, shape information, and layer names.
  • Using this information, unique images are created for each layer, each representing a row in an Excel table.
Figure 2. Example Tire Mold Image

2. Control Stage with Excel Table

  • The variable values in the Excel table are compared with the values on the mold drawing of the tire.
  • The trained artificial intelligence model detects letters in the layer images, checking the compliance of the tires with standards.

3. Control Stage with Template Drawings

  • Using template drawings, the pattern and symbols on the tire drawings are checked for any errors in their placement.
  • Visual errors are detected, ensuring the aesthetic quality of the products.


Figure 3. Example Template Image

4. Error Report

  • After the checks are performed, the user is shown the locations of errors on the web interface.
  • The user can review errors, ignore them if necessary, and add specific comments for each layer.


Figure 4. Example Error Report Page


The Automatic Mold Quality Control Application has automated time-consuming inspection processes, accelerating the production process and improving quality. This has ensured error-free and high-quality tire production in industrial processes without interruptions. This innovative application has provided the industry with increased efficiency and a competitive advantage.


Figure 5. Example Result Page Image